New web site

Filed under: News — vincent @ 22:41

The previous iteration of this web site was made through custom code, because no code was found that offered the functionalities that we searched. But since now, blog softwares like WordPress have evolved to the point of being able to be used as a CMS, without loosing the possibility to customize some pages.

We hope that you’ll find the information that your search.

Exporting X authorization to another user

Filed under: Linux — vincent @ 17:44

On my machine, I have a special user account for when I want to make tests. Sometimes, I’d like to run a command under this account while I’m working in my X desktop, without switching desktop.

Please note that this article is not oriented toward people unfamiliar with Unix.

CSS post-processing in PHP

Filed under: Php tips — vincent @ 13:08

While implementing the layout of this site in PHP, I found the tutorial on A List Apart, and wished to implement it here. However, I wanted to be able to change the column widths without having to recalculate manually the different dimensions.